[eurolisp] [CfP] European Lisp Workshop'07 - news
Pascal Costanza
pc at p-cos.net
Thu May 17 12:28:10 UTC 2007
| 4th European Lisp Workshop |
| July 30 - Berlin, Germany - co-located with ECOOP 2007 |
| Supported by Clozure Associates - http://clozure.com |
Important Dates
Submission deadline (papers & breakout groups): May 31, 2007
Notification of acceptance: June 8, 2007
ECOOP early registration deadline: June 15, 2007
For more information visit http://lisp-ecoop07.bknr.net/
Contact: Pascal Costanza, pc at p-cos.net
** News **
+ The submission deadline for papers, essays and breakout group
proposals has been extended to May 31.
+ Alexander Repenning will be giving a keynote presentation about
"Antiobjects: Mapping Game AI to Massively Parallel Architectures using
Collaborative Diffusion".
Modern game consoles offer enormous computational power at very low cost
but are difficult to program in a way to make full use of their parallel
architectures. The notion of antiobjects is a computational metaphor
useful to conceptualize and solve hard problems by swapping
computational foreground and background. Putting computation into
antiobjects can substantially simplify hard problems in Artificial
Intelligence and simulations. Moreover, the mapping of computation from
a small number of objects to a much larger number of typically
homogenous antiobjects can by employed to parallelize computation in
ways that it can be executed on parallel architectures such as GPUs and
multi-core CPUs with very little overhead.
Alexander Repenning is a computer science professor at the University of
Colorado, is currently visiting the University of Lugano, and is the
founder of AgentSheets Inc. Repenning’s research interests include
education, end-user programmable agents, and artificial intelligence. He
has worked in research and development at Asea Brown Boveri, Xerox PARC,
Apple Computer, and Hewlett Packard.
Pascal Costanza, Programming Technology Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Theo D'Hondt, Programming Technology Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Hans Huebner, Software Developer, Berlin
Arthur Lemmens, Independent Consultant, Amsterdam
Christophe Rhodes, Goldsmiths College, University of London
"...Please don't assume Lisp is only useful for Animation and Graphics,
AI, Bioinformatics, B2B and E-Commerce, Data Mining, EDA/Semiconductor
applications, Expert Systems, Finance, Intelligent Agents, Knowledge
Management, Mechanical CAD, Modeling and Simulation, Natural Language,
Optimization, Research, Risk Analysis, Scheduling, Telecom, and Web
Authoring just because these are the only things they happened to list."
-- Kent Pitman
Lisp is one of the oldest computer languages still in use today. In the
decades of its existence, Lisp has been a fruitful basis for language
design experiments as well as the preferred implementation language for
applications in diverse fields.
The structure of Lisp makes it easy to extend the language or even to
implement entirely new dialects without starting from scratch. Common
Lisp, with the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS), was the first
object-oriented programming language to receive an ANSI standard and
retains the most complete and advanced object system of any programming
language, while influencing many other object-oriented programming
languages that followed.
It is clear that Lisp is gaining momentum: there is a steadily growing
interest in Lisp itself, with numerous user groups in existence
worldwide, and in Lisp's metaprogramming notions which are being
transferred to other languages, as for example in Aspect-Oriented
Programming, support for Domain-Specific Languages, and so on.
This workshop will address the near-future role of Lisp-based languages
in research, industry and education. We solicit papers and suggestions
for breakout groups that discuss the opportunities Lisp provides to
capture and enhance the possibilities in software engineering. We want
to promote lively discussion between researchers proposing new
approaches and practitioners reporting on their experience with the
strengths and limitations of current Lisp technologies.
The workshop will have two components; there will be formally-presented
talks, and for breakout groups discussing or working on particular
topics. Additionally, there will be opportunities for short, informal
talks and demonstrations on experience reports, underappreciated
results, software under development, or other topics of interest.
Formal presentations in the workshop should take between 20 minutes and
half an hour; additional time will be given for questions and answers.
We encourage that papers be published on the website in order to provide
background information in advance.
Suggested Topics
New language features or abstractions
Experience reports or case studies
Protocol Metaprogramming and Libraries
Educational approaches
Software Evolution
Development Aids
Persistent Systems
Dynamic Optimization
Implementation techniques
Innovative Applications
Hardware Support for Lisp systems
Macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
Aspect-Oriented, Domain-Oriented and Generative Programming
Breakout Groups
The workshop will provide for the opportunity to meet face to face and
work on focused topics. We will organize these breakout groups and
provide for rooms and infrastructure.
Suggested Topics for Breakout Groups
Lisp Infrastructure Development and Distribution
Language Features (e.g. Predicate Dispatching)
Environments for creating web applications
Brainstorming sessions for new or existing open source projects
Persistence Systems
Compiler technology
Lisp on bare metal / Lisp hardware / Lisp operating systems
Compare and enhance curricula for computer science education
Submission Guidelines
Potential attendees are encouraged to submit either of the following:
* a long paper (10 pages) presenting scientific and/or
empirical results about Lisp-based uses or new approaches for
software engineering purposes;
* a short essay (5 pages) defending a position about where
research, practice or education based on Lisp should be heading in
the near future;
* a proposal for a breakout group (1-2 pages) describing the theme, an
agenda and/or expected results.
Submissions should be mailed as PDF to Pascal Costanza (pc at p-cos.net)
before the submission deadline.
Pascal Costanza, mailto:pc at p-cos.net, http://p-cos.net
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Programming Technology Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium
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