[eurolisp] [CfP] Dynamic Languages Symposium 2007
Jim Newton
jimka at cadence.com
Tue Mar 6 17:04:39 UTC 2007
is this a good conference for us to try the paper on generic dispatch ?
i think you are probably too busy with ILC, right?
Pascal Costanza wrote:
> ************************************************************************
> * *
> * Dynamic Languages Symposium 2007 *
> * at ooPSLA 2007 - http://www.oopsla.org *
> * *
> * Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 22, 2007 *
> * *
> * http://www.swa.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/dls07/ *
> * *
> ************************************************************************
> Important dates:
> ****************
> * Submission of papers: June 1, 2007 *hard deadline*
> * Author notification: June 30, 2007
> * Final versions due: July 7, 2007
> * DLS 2007: October 22, 2007
> * OOPSLA 2007: October 21-25, 2007
> Scope:
> ******
> The Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS) at OOPSLA 2007 in Montreal,
> Canada, is a forum for discussion of dynamic languages, their
> implementation and application. While mature dynamic languages including
> Smalltalk, Lisp, Scheme, Self, and Prolog continue to grow and inspire
> new converts, a new generation of dynamic scripting languages such as
> Python, Ruby, PHP, and JavaScript are successful in a wide range of
> applications. DLS provides a place for researchers and practitioners to
> come together and share their knowledge, experience, and ideas for
> future research and development.
> DLS 2007 invites high quality papers reporting original research,
> innovative contributions or experience related to dynamic languages,
> their implementation and application. Accepted Papers will be published
> in the OOPSLA conference companion and the ACM Digital Library.
> Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
> *************************************************
> * Innovative language features and implementation techniques
> * Development and platform support, tools
> * Interesting applications
> * Domain-oriented programming
> * Very late binding, dynamic composition, and runtime adaptation
> * Reflection and meta-programming
> * Software evolution
> * Language symbiosis and multi-paradigm languages
> * Dynamic optimization
> * Hardware support
> * Experience reports and case studies
> * Educational approaches and perspectives
> * Object-oriented, aspect-oriented, and context-oriented programming
> Submissions and proceedings
> ***************************
> We invite original contributions that neither have been published
> previously nor are under review by other refereed events or
> publications. Research papers should describe work that advances the
> current state of the art. Experience papers should be of broad interest
> and should describe insights gained from substantive practical
> applications. The program committee will evaluate each contributed paper
> based on its relevance, significance, clarity, and originality.
> Papers are to be submitted electronically at
> http://www.dcl.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/dls2007/ in PDF format.
> Submissions must not exceed 12 pages and need to use the ACM format,
> templates for which can be found at
> http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html.
> Program chairs:
> ***************
> * Pascal Costanza, Programming Technology Lab,
> Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
> * Robert Hirschfeld, Hasso-Plattner-Institut,
> University of Potsdam, Germany
> Program committee:
> ******************
> * Gilad Bracha, Cadence Design Systems, USA
> * Johan Brichau, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
> * William Clinger, Northeastern University, USA
> * William Cook, University of Texas at Austin, USA
> * Pascal Costanza, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
> * Stephane Ducasse, Universite de Savoie, France
> * Brian Foote, Industrial Logic, USA
> * Robert Hirschfeld, Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam, Germany
> * Jeremy Hylton, Google, USA
> * Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown University, USA
> * Michele Lanza, University of Lugano, Switzerland
> * Michael Leuschel, Universitaet Duesseldorf, Germany
> * Henry Lieberman, MIT Media Laboratory, USA
> * Martin von Loewis, Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam, Germany
> * Philippe Mougin, OCTO Technology, France
> * Oscar Nierstrasz, University of Berne, Switzerland
> * Kent Pitman, PTC, USA
> * Ian Piumarta, Viewpoints Research Institute, USA
> * Nathanael Schaerli, Google, Switzerland
> * Anton van Straaten, AppSolutions.com, USA
> * Dave Thomas, Bedarra Research Labs, Canada
> * Dave Ungar, USA
> * Allen Wirfs-Brock, Microsoft, USA
> * Roel Wuyts, IMEC & Unversite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
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