[eurolisp] Fwd: ECOOP07 Lisp Dinner

Andreas Hinze ahz at snafu.de
Fri Jul 27 11:22:10 UTC 2007

Oh, thats bad news. I'm not able to join at July, 30th. Hope you have a 
lot of fun.


Hans Hübner wrote:

>I certainly meant to write 30th of July, not August.  Sorry for that.
>The dinner will be on the coming Monday, so far I have 15
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Hans Hübner <hans at huebner.org>
>Date: 26.07.2007 09:54
>Subject: ECOOP07 Lisp Dinner
>To: eurolisp at common-lisp.net
>as a social event attached to the 4th European Lisp Workshop
>(http://lisp-ecoop07.bknr.net/), we are planning to have a dinner on
>Monday, the 30th of August in Berlin, starting at 19:30 hours.  We
>have not yet decided what the location will be, and this depends on
>how many people will participate.  The dinner will be open to anyone.
>If you want to attend, please send me a short email notice.  Also let
>me know if you have special dinner needs or wishes.
>eurolisp site list
>eurolisp at common-lisp.net

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