[eurolisp] ILC 2007 in Cambridge

Christian Ruediger Bahls christian.bahls at gmx.de
Thu Feb 8 15:11:25 UTC 2007

while finishing the last pages of the second draft of my diploma thesis
i thought:
 well, there are less then 2 month' left till the ILC in Cambridge,
 so perhaps now would be the time to arrange everything, book a flight,
 arrange for accomodation, pay the fees ...

only there is a little problem:
 i have absolutely no spare money to spend.

yes. i know i should get myself a decent job.
 i will do that right after i finish my diploma thesis
  (which is about support vector classification
   and schould be ready by the end of next week).

still that doesn't bring me any closer to visiting the ILC
 (which isn't held in Europe that often)

so i want to make a proposition:

   I solve your problem in return for you solving mine.


as an example i would offer to implement:
 Sequentiell Minimal Optimization for SVM(by Platt)
  [with the improved Heuristics by Keerthi et.al.],
 or the Nearest Point Algorithm(proposed by Keerthi)
 in a language of your choice(Common Lisp, Ocaml, C, C++, ..).

perhaps you have a farm and need a hand for two weeks
 i could drive your tractor and clean the stables[1]

or maybe you are a philantrophic and would like to contribute an
  Interior Point algorithm for Linear or Quadratic Programming
 to the Common Lisp community (GPL, LLGPL, BSD, ..) ..
 i would implement that for you.

if any of the above matches you,
 please do not hesitate to contact me.

for anybody interested enough:
 i will set up a page at
 to keep you updated

thank you very much for taking the time to read this post


  christian bahls
  maths student
  university of rostock
  rostock, germany

[1] it might be that you think this was a joke, while it wasn't
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