[eurolisp] Lisp chat with David Cooper in Amsterdam this Thursday

Arthur Lemmens alemmens at xs4all.nl
Mon Sep 25 19:28:07 UTC 2006


David Cooper [1] is visiting The Netherlands this week.

On Thursday evening (that's the 28th) Ernst van Waning and I will be
having a chat with David.  We'll start around 18:00 with a few drinks
in Cafe-Restaurant "Eerste Klas", next to platform 2 of Amsterdam
Central Station.  Then we'll probably move on to some nice restaurant
for dinner.

If you happen to be near Amsterdam next Thursday, it would be nice if
you could join us.  (But please mail or phone me first.)

Arthur Lemmens
+31 6 14 377 438

[1] http://www.genworks.com/people.html

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