[eurolisp] Fwd: CfC: 2nd Workshop on Revival of Dynamic Languages @ ECOOP06
Arthur Lemmens
alemmens at xs4all.nl
Wed Mar 1 14:44:01 UTC 2006
Forwarded on behalf of Wolfgang De Meuter.
> From: Wolfgang De Meuter <wdmeuter at vub.ac.be>
> Date: 1 maart 2006 14:50:46 GMT+01:00
> To: ecoop-info at ecoop.org, announcements at oopsla.acm.org,
> EAPLS at JISCMAIL.AC.UK, announce at aosd.net, feyerabend-
> project at yahoogroups.com, eurolisp at common-lisp.net,
> seworld at cs.colorado.edu, ll-discuss at lists.csail.mit.edu, patterns-
> discussion at cs.uiuc.edu, computerbookauthors at yahoogroups.com
> Subject: CfC: 2nd Workshop on Revival of Dynamic Languages @ ECOOP06
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Call for Contributions
> 2nd Workshop on Revival of Dynamic Languages (RDL)
> in conjunction with ECOOP’06
> Nantes, France, July 3/4
> http://prog.vub.ac.be/~wdmeuter/RDL06/
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> The advent of Java and C# has been a major breakthrough in the
> adoption of some important object-oriented language
> characteristics. It turned academic features like interfaces,
> garbage-collection and meta-programming into technologies generally
> accepted by industry. But the massive adoption of these languages
> now also gives rise to a growing awareness of their limitations. On
> the one hand, researchers and practitionners feel themselves
> wrestling with the static type systems, the overly complex abstract
> grammars, the simplistic concurrency provisions, the very limited
> reflection capabilities and the absence of higher-order language
> constructs such as delegation, closures and continuations. On the
> other hand, dynamic languages like Ruby and Python are getting ever
> more popular. Therefore, it is time for academia to move on and to
> help pushing such languages into the mainstream. On the one hand,
> this requires us to look back and pick up what is out there in
> existing dynamic languages (such as Lisp, Scheme, Smalltalk,
> Self,...) to be recovered for the future. On the other hand, it
> requires us to further explore the power of future dynamic language
> constructs in the context of new challenging fields such as aspect-
> orientation, pervasive computing, mobile code, context-aware
> computing, etc.
> The goal of this workshop is to act as a forum where we can discuss
> new advances in the conception, implementation and application of
> object-oriented languages that radically diverge from the
> ‘statically typed class-based reflectionless doctrine’. The goal of
> the workshop is to discuss new as well as older ‘forgotten’
> languages and language features in this context. Topics of
> interest include, but are certainly not limited to:
> - agents, actors, active object, distribution, concurrency and
> mobility
> - delegation, prototypes, mixins
> - first-class closures, continuations, environments, coroutines
> - reflection and meta-programming
> - (dynamic) aspects for dynamic languages
> - higher-order objects & messages
> - ... other exotic dynamic features which you would categorize as
> OO.
> - multi-paradigm & static/dynamic-marriages
> - (concurrent/distributed/mobile/aspect) virtual machines
> - optimisation of dynamic languages
> - automated reasoning about dynamic languages
> - “regular” syntactic schemes (cf. S-expressions, Smalltalk, Self)
> - Smalltalk, Python, Ruby, Scheme, Lisp, Self, ABCL, Prolog, ...
> - ... any topic relevant in applying and/or supporting dynamic
> languages.
> Workshop Organization
> ---------------------
> This workshop lasts one day. The goal is to have as much discussion
> as possible. Therefore, the presentation of position papers will be
> restricted to selected ones that are especially provocative and/or
> interesting for a broad audience. Depending on the interests of the
> audience we will split up in working groups. But instead of forcing
> people into specific groups beforehand, we would like to defer the
> formation of groups to the workshop itself.
> Attendance
> ----------
> Prospective attendees are requested to submit a position paper or
> an essay (max 10 pages, references included) on a topic relevant to
> the workshop to Wolfgang De Meuter (wdmeuter at vub.ac.be).
> Submissions are demanded to be in .pdf format. The position papers
> will be made available for downloading from the workshop website.
> Technical as well as throught provoking submissions are wellcomed.
> Important Dates
> ---------------
> Position paper due: 1 April 2006
> Notification of acceptance: 1 May 2006
> Workshop: July 3rd or 4th, 2006
> Organizers
> ----------
> 1. Wolfgang De Meuter (primary contact)
> wdmeuter at vub.ac.be
> Vrije Universiteit Brussel
> Laboratorium voor Programmeerkunde
> Pleinlaan 2
> 1050 Brussel
> Belgium
> http://prog.vub.ac.be/~wdmeuter/WolfHome/
> 2. Roel Wuyts
> Roel.Wuyts at ulb.ac.be
> Université Libre de Bruxelles
> Lab for Software Composition and Decomposition
> Département d'Informatique
> Boulevard du Triomphe - CP212
> B-1050 Bruxelles
> Belgium
> http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~rowuyts/
> 3. Stéphane Ducasse
> stephane.ducasse at univ-savoie.fr
> UFR ATE --- Language and Software Evolution
> B.P. 806 74016 Annecy Cedex
> France
> http://www.listic.univ-savoie.fr/~ducasse/
> 4. Mira Mezini
> mezini at informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
> University of Technology Darmstadt
> Computer Science Department / Software Technology Group
> Hochschulstr. 10
> 64289 Darmstadt
> Germany
> http://www.st.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/public/StaffDetail.jsp?id=2
> 5 Mehmet Aksit
> aksit at ewi.utwente.nl
> Chair Software Engineering, the TRESE group
> Department of Computer Science, University of Twente
> Drienerlolaan 5, 7522 NB, Enschede,
> The Netherlands
> http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~aksit
> About the Organizers
> --------------------
> Wolfgang De Meuter is a postdoctoral research assistant at the
> Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He has been active in the field of
> object-orientation since the early nineties. He has done research
> about (the denotational semantics of and evaluators for) prototype-
> based languages. His current research interests include programming
> languages and their evaluators, aspect-oriented programming, meta-
> programming and more recently also language constructs and
> abstraction barriers for strong mobile and ambient-oriented
> systems. He has organized numerous succesful workshops at previous
> ECOOP’s and OOPSLA’s.
> Roel Wuyts is professor at the University Libre de Bruxelles, where
> he leads the deComp group. His fields of interest are logic meta
> programming, safe forms of reflection and language design. On the
> side he also dabbles in development environments. From the moment
> he realized that dynamicity was what he really liked in all of his
> favourite programming languages (Smalltalk, Prolog and Scheme), he
> has been trying to grow the dynamic languages field again. Part of
> this endavour was the organization of the first Dynamic Language
> Symposium, a symposium co-organized with OOPSLA'2005 in San Diego.
> Stéphane Ducasse is Professor at the Universite de Savoie, France,
> where he leads the Language and Software Evolution group of the
> LISTIC laboratory. His fields of interests are: design of
> reflective systems and object-oriented languages, web development
> and reengineering and evolution of object-oriented applications. He
> is one of the main developers of the Moose reengineering
> environment. He is the president of the European Smalltalk User
> Group and has lot of fun programming in Smalltalk. He wrote several
> books in French and English: La programmation: une approche
> fonctionnelle et recursive en Scheme (Eyrolles 1996), Squeak
> (Eyrolles 2001), Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns (MKP 2003),
> Squeak: Learning Programming with Robots (APress 2005), Object-
> Oriented Metrics in Practice (Springer 2006).
> Mira Mezini Mira Mezini is a Professor of Computer Science at the
> Technische Universität Darmstadt. She holds a doctoral degree from
> the University of Siegen. Her research interests are in the broad
> area of software technology with special focus on programming
> languages and tools. Recently she has been actively involved in
> shaping the aspect-oriented software development paradigm.
> Mehmet Aksit holds an M.Sc. degree from the Eindhoven University of
> Technology and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Twente.
> Currently, he is working as a full professor at the Department of
> Computer Science, University of Twente and affiliated with the
> institute Centre for Telematics and Information Technology. He is
> the head of the Software Engineering chair and the leader of the
> Twente Research and Education on Software Engineering (TRESE)
> Group. He has served as the program (co) chair of several
> conferences and symposia, such as ECOOP'97, SACT'00, HQSAD'00,
> NoD'02 and AOSD2003. He has been serving as a program committee
> member of various international conferences and he was the tutorial
> chair of the ECOOP'92 conference and the organizing chair of the
> AOSD'02 conference.
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