[eurolisp] Common Lisp Workshop Vienna

Clemens Fruhwirth clemens at endorphin.org
Mon Jun 12 19:33:47 UTC 2006

Hi folks,

I will give a Common Lisp Workshop for novice Common Lisp
programmers. Everyone in reasonable driving range of Vienna is invited

MetaLab - http://metalab.at
Sunday, 25th of June, 18:00-20:00.

Features: 45 minutes presentation of Common Lisp Basics, break, 1 hour
hack your own tic-tac-toe. For the later workshop part, it is
neccessary to bring your own laptop! Nothing else than an ssh client
is required.

The workshop is intended for programmers with experience in other
languages but no experience in Lisp. The event is free.

This events -- hopefully -- marks the beginning of a series of Common
Lisp related events. Some bigger, some smaller. This workshop at least
is bigger in terms of effort I put into, and all contributes to
building an Austrian CL user group -> http://lisplab.at
Fruhwirth Clemens - http://clemens.endorphin.org 
for robots: sp4mtrap at endorphin.org

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