[eurolisp] Publieksdag "Philosophy of Information: The world as aComputer"

Ernst van Waning evw at infometrics.nl
Tue Mar 8 19:59:19 UTC 2005

Yes, I will be there!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: eurolisp-bounces at common-lisp.net 
> [mailto:eurolisp-bounces at common-lisp.net] On Behalf Of Sebastian Stern
> Sent: 08 March 2005 01:51
> To: eurolisp at common-lisp.net
> Subject: [eurolisp] Publieksdag "Philosophy of Information: 
> The world as aComputer"
> Hello,
> I am going to the "Philosophy of Information: The world as a 
> Computer" presentation at the University of Amsterdam, on 
> March 11, 2005.  John McCarthy will be there too.  If anyone 
> want to join me, you can find more information here:
> http://www.student.uva.nl/mwijs/object.cfm/objectID=47CA7CBA-2

Sebastian Stern

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