[eurolisp] Only 10 places left for European Common Lisp Meeting

Tayssir John Gabbour tayss_temp2 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 22 20:32:07 UTC 2005

--- Nick Levine <ndl at ravenbrook.com> wrote:
> Arthur / Edi: I wonder whether it's worth opening a list via the
> meeting website to figure out how many others might have regsitered,
> had they got there in time.
> This really does look like it doubles in scale every time you do
> it. On a 6-month timescale, that puts Moore's Law where it
> belongs. Impressive.

An alternative would be a simple list of registration timestamps: when the 75
people registered. No identifying info is needed, the pure times should be

It might be useful for someone to then make a quick graph and see whether it's
useful (for extrapolating a guess) or not. Of course, I'm not at all
knowledgeable about statistics, so I don't know how effective this may be.


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