[eurolisp] organization of 22C3 socializing

Clemens Fruhwirth clemens at endorphin.org
Wed Dec 14 14:53:57 UTC 2005

Well fine! There were plenty of replies to my socializing call :). So, I
put up a wiki page for a small amount of organization. 

Please add yourself to 


when you are interesting in having a drink and a chat about Lisp on one
evening during the conference. Please check this page after 2 weeks to
see, which date was chosen.

You can also reach this page by going to wiki.alu.org -> Events -> 22C3
in case you don't remember the exact spelling :)

Fruhwirth Clemens - http://clemens.endorphin.org 
for robots: sp4mtrap at endorphin.org

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