[eurolisp] FW: Beers in winter

Ernst van Waning evw at infometrics.nl
Sun Dec 11 23:52:23 UTC 2005

Hello again,

This is what Carl replied.  As December 30th is uncertain for me, we have
picked December 25th, knowing it is the day the most important Xmas day in

Kind regards,  Ernst

> Hi Ernst,
> (I'm not a member of the eurolisp mailing list, so I am 
> sending this message directly to you.)
> I'll be arriving early on the 25th, so a meeting in the 
> evening would be possible, if you become available.  We had 
> spoken about meeting on the 26th, but it turns out that I 
> will be on a train traveling away from the Netherlands that 
> day.  (Sorry about that.)  This leaves me with the evening on 
> the 30th, most of the day on the 31st, and anytime on the 1st 
> free.  I hope some of these dates work for you!

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