[eurolisp] Opinions needed...

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Sun Dec 4 12:18:29 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2 Dec 2005 08:51:00 +0000, Barry Wilkes <wilkesb at gmail.com> wrote:

> I would be very likely to attend an ECOOP workshop, if one were
> held.  This is not only because I enjoyed the last one, but also
> because it would be fairly straightforward for me to get my employer
> to fund my attendance.

Good point which also demonstrates that the ECOOP workshop and the
ECLM complement each other (and don't compete).  If you are funded by
a university or by your employer it'll be much easier to get them to
pay for the ECOOP than for a semi-private meeting organized by two
blokes nobody knows.  (Not to mention that you might want to go to the
ECOOP for academic reasons - publishing papers, etc.)  If on the other
hand you pay for these meetings yourself the ECLM might leave
significantly more cash in your pocket.  (Of course, if you enjoy
hanging around with other Lispers and listening to interesting talks
you should come to both events... :)

Anyway, my point is that now that it seems very likely that there
won't be an ILC in 2006 Pascal should definitely try to repeat the
ECOOP workshop.


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