[eurolisp] [ANN] Closer Project: new software versions

Pascal Costanza pc at p-cos.net
Wed Aug 3 18:47:50 UTC 2005

On 3 Aug 2005, at 19:00, Peter Van Eynde wrote:

> Pascal Costanza wrote:
>> New versions of MOP Feature Tests and Closer to MOP are available.
> Hello,
> Do you think closer-mop is ready to become a debian lisp package? I  
> was thinking of the name cl-closer-mop.

I don't know what the stability requirements for debian packages are.  
closer-mop works pretty well for the stuff I am working on, so I can  
recommend its use. However, I cannot guarantee that there are no  
serious problems. But I feel committed to the project, if that helps.

Please note that closer-mop requires lw-compat, also available from  
the closer website.


God programs in Lisp. When things are working right, God's code is  
sent to hell where sinners are forced to translate it into C++, Tcl,  
Java, and other horrible computational sins.

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