[eurolisp] Reminder: Meeting in Hamburg this Sunday

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Fri Nov 26 14:13:01 UTC 2004


Just a reminder: The next meeting of Hamburg Lispers will be on Sunday
(the day after tomorrow) at 2pm at the Landesjugendring Hamburg[1],
Güntherstr. 34. This is the same location we had the last time, in
case you were there.

Preliminary schedule:

  14.15 - 15.00: Lothar Hotz
                 NetCLOS <http://lki-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~hotz/home.html>

  15.15 - 16.00: Pascal Costanza
                 AspectL <http://common-lisp.net/project/aspectl/>

  16.15 - 17.00: Manuel Odendahl
                 bknr <http://bknr.net/bknr>

  17.15 - 17.45: Arthur Lemmens
                 The "CL-USER" project

Afterwards, there's a chance to talk, drink, and eat at the
"Literaturhaus Café"[2] at 7pm. Please send a short email if you want
to come with us so I can make a reservation.


[1] <http://www.ljr-hh.de/>
[2] <http://www.literaturhaus-hamburg.de/>

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