[eurolisp] Regex Coach in the news ...

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Mon Nov 1 17:44:48 UTC 2004

On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 18:24:48 +0100, rm at fabula.de wrote:

> Hmm, btw.  i'm running Linux/PPC, i guess there's no chance to get
> Regex Coach for that platform as well?

Depends on Xanalys releasing a version of LispWorks for LinuxPPC and
giving me a free copy to build the executable. I'd say the chances
aren't very good...

But there's a reasonably good OS X emulator for LinuxPPC isn't it? I
sold my last PowerBook when OS X was still at 10.0 but I seem to
remember something like this.


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