[erlisp-devel] mistake in with-timeout?

Eric Lavigne lavigne.eric at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 04:54:07 UTC 2005

Dear Erlisp developers,

I need some help to figure out a problem with my code. I am trying to
add Allegro support to Erlisp, but I ran into some trouble as shown in
this test result:

Did 36 checks.
   Pass: 35 (97%)
   Skip: 0 (0%)
   Fail: 1 (2%)
Failure Details:
I suspect my mistake is in erlisp:with-timeout. Here is a copy of that macro:

(defmacro with-timeout ((milliseconds &rest after-timeout) &body body)
  #+sbcl `(sb-ext:with-timeout (/ ,milliseconds 1000)
            (handler-case (progn , at body)
              (sb-ext:timeout () , at after-timeout)))
  #+allegro `(mp:with-timeout ((/ ,milliseconds 1000) , at after-timeout)
	      , at body)
  #-(or sbcl allegro) (error 
		       "Timeouts are not yet implemented for your compiler."))

The part I added (probably broken) is prefaced by #+allegro. 
Dirk's working code is prefaced by #+sbcl.
Documentation on the allegro with-timeout macro is available here:

A complete copy of compatibility.lisp (the only modified file) is
available here:
Hopefully you can figure out my mistake so Erlisp can work on one more
compiler. I would appreciate any ideas about what might be wrong.


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