Hello,<br><br>this is the definition of my class <br>(defpclass classname ()<br> ((slot1 :accessor slot1 :initarg :slot1 :index t)<br> (slot2 :accessor slot2 :initarg :slot2 :index t)<br> (slot3 :accessor slot3 :initarg :slot3 :index t)))<br>
<br>If I make three instances of this class with following slot values:<br><br>INSTANCE1 slot1:"a" slot2:"b" slot3:"c"<br>INSTANCE2 slot1:"a" slot2:"n" slot3:"d"<br>
INSTANCE3 slot1:"a" slot2:"b" slot3:"m" <br><br>Now if the user gives the values for slot1 and slot2 I should be able to get slot3<br>For example: If the user gives slot1 as "a" and slot2 as "b" then two vaues<br>
"c" and "m" should be returned<br><br><br>We tried the API get-instances-by-value <br>Is there a way I can include multiple slot-names and their values in <br>get-instances-by-value <br><br><br>Arjun Mullick<br>