Hi,<br>i tried installing elephant on sbcl under linux debian.<br><br>tested the following packages and combinations:<br><br>This is SBCL, <br><br><br>Elephant Version 1.0a1<br>0.9<br>0.91<br><br>cffi 10.4 and 10.5 tested<br>
<br>BerkeleyDB 4.7.25<br><br>(for older Versions of elephant I tried also 4.5 4.6)<br><br>tried to compile from slime 06/2009<br>and from sbcl console (by sbcl lisp)<br><br>Elephant 0.9 with BerkeleyDB 4.5 compiles fine,<br>
but when (open-store '(:bdb ..... it fails<br><br>Elephant 1.0a1 does not compile fine,<br>it hangs always at memutil.lisp<br>---<br>; compiling (DEFUN LITTLE-ENDIAN-P ...)<br><br>; /install/lispbox/packages/elephant-1.0/src/memutil/memutil.fasl written<br>
; compilation finished in 0:00:01.213<br>WARNING:<br> COMPILE-FILE warned while performing #<COMPILE-OP NIL {BC97029}> on<br> #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "memutil" {BF52A11}>.<br>---<br>No error !!!! just warning !!! it is actually compiled, fasl created, but hangs on:<br>
---<br>erred while invoking #<COMPILE-OP NIL {BC97029}> on<br>#<CL-SOURCE-FILE "memutil" {BF52A11}><br> [Condition of type ASDF:COMPILE-FAILED]<br>---<br>the same for <br>serializer<br>serializer1<br>
serializer2<br>unicode<br>.<br>No other problems.<br><br>After ACCEPTing all of the "warnings",<br>(open-store '(:bdb "/tmp/"))<br>---<br>invalid number of arguments: 1<br> [Condition of type SB-INT:SIMPLE-PROGRAM-ERROR]<br>
<br>Restarts:<br> 0: [RETRY] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request.<br> 1: [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.<br> 2: [TERMINATE-THREAD] Terminate this thread (#<THREAD "new-repl-thread" RUNNING {B2E4C51}>)<br>
<br>Backtrace:<br> 0: (DB-BDB::%DB-ENV-CREATE #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument>)[:EXTERNAL]<br> 1: (DB-BDB::DB-ENV-CREATE)<br>---<br><br>I can get the only running /and winning/ combination under sbcl 1.26 with Elephant 1.0a1 and cffi 10.4<br>
<br>So my questions are:<br>Any ideas how to get it running?<br><br>What combinations of sbcl / packages do you use?<br><br>thank you.<br>mosi<br>