pinterface<br><br>Thou are correct!<br><br>It had to do with threads and the *inferior-lisp* message was just as you predicted. I have to dig some more .. but in my environment sbcl is threaded and elephant::*sleepycat-pthreads-path* points to /lib/tls/ .. when I commented out that section of code in sleepycat.lisp .. everything compiled till the end and I could put a value in the db and retrieve. I'll investigate some more and see how to work around this conflict.<br><br>Thank you so much!<br>regards,<br>malini<br><br><b><i>pinterface <></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> (Sorry if this reply appears out of thread. Ran into some difficulties with<br>gmane, so I'm posting to the list directly.)<br><br>"Malini Bhandaru" <malinibhandaru-><br>wrote in message<br>> Hello Ian and
Others,<br>><br>> I removed the /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.4 and installed 4.3.<br>> Untarred freshly elephant0.6.0, added symbolic links for .asd files<br>> in .sbcl/systems but my woes continue.<br>><br>> ...<br>><br>> my lisp seems to hang after<br>> ; compiling (DEFVAR *ERRNO-BUFFER* ...)<br>> ; compiling (DEFMACRO WRAP-ERRNO ...)<br>> ; compiling (DEFMACRO FLAGS ...)<br><br>This reminds me of a problem I had[1]. Actually, I think it's the same<br>problem, because if memory serves compiles hung at the same point for me. If<br>you're using emacs+slime, check the *inferior-lisp* buffer; if you've been<br>thrown into SBCL's LDB debugger, and I suspect you have, that's where it'll<br>be.<br><br>You wouldn't happen to be using a threaded SBCL (:sb-thread in *features*),<br>would you? sb-threads and don't play well together for me, and<br>I'm guessing they aren't playing nicely for you, either. I think Ian was<br>going to look into
the cause of that, but I don't know if he's had a chance<br>yet.<br><br>The two options I can think of are:<br>1. Switch to an unthreaded SBCL<br>2. Disable loading of libpthreads in src/db-bdb/sleepycat.lisp<br><br>Both have worked for me (cvs elephant and BDB4.4), but I have yet to do<br>anything particularly taxing with elephant, so maybe it'll blow up later.<br><g><br><br>-pinterface<br><br>[1]<br><br> Though for some reason I provided almost no useful information to<br> hunting down the cause. Whoops.<br><br>_______________________________________________<br>elephant-devel site list<br><br><br></g></malinibhandaru-></blockquote><br>