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I am now the new maintainer of the Elephant project. <BR>
I don't know much about the history of what has been going on, so please<BR>
be patient with me and give me as much information as you can.<BR>
I have recently written a significant extension the original Elephant project.<BR>
This allows one to use CL-SQL, and in particular PostGres, as a backend.<BR>
However, the BerkeleyDB system still works and in fact functions are <BR>
provided to migrate data between multiple co-existing repositories, whether<BR>
implemented with PostGres or BerkeleyDB.<BR>
The PostGres system is presently much slower. However, some people<BR>
may prefer it to the BerkeleyDB system due to the BerkeleyDB license,<BR>
which does not allow you to build a public website unless your system is<BR>
all open-source.<BR>
The extention is checked into a branch of CVS called "SQL-BACK-END".<BR>
The easiest way to get it, and the extention of the documentation that <BR>
I wrote, is to do an anonymous CVS checkout of the revision "SQL-BACK-END":<BR>
cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous@common-lisp.net:/project/elephant/cvsroot co -r SQL-BACK-END elephant<BR>
By doing a "make" in the docs directory, you can construct the HTML based documentation<BR>
that includes a new chapter on this extension. Or you can read it on the <BR>
common-lisp Elephant site:<BR>
<A HREF="http://common-lisp.net/project/elephant/doc/SQL-back_002dend.html#SQL-back_002dend">http://common-lisp.net/project/elephant/doc/SQL-back_002dend.html#SQL-back_002dend</A><BR>
The file "src/RUNTEST.lisp" shows how to load and run the implementation-specific tests,<BR>
as well as the migration tests.<BR>
I don't know how many people are using elephant, or what your desires may be.<BR>
My basic plan is to wait until mid-November and if nobody has complained enough,<BR>
to make the SQL-BACK-END version the main version to be released as Elephant 0.3,<BR>
at which point a tar file will be available.<BR>
I am not an expert on BerkeleyDB but intend to maintain complete back compatibility<BR>
with it. This issue is discussed in the new documentation.<BR>
I intend to actively use this system. I may not be actively developing it, but here is <BR>
my wish list:<BR>
1) SQLite compatibility (estimate: 3 days?)<BR>
2) Much more efficient encoding (estimate: 5 days?)<BR>
Please let me hear from you if you have any interest in this; I am strongly motivated<BR>
to maintain software that people are using.<BR>
Robert L. Read, PhD read &T robertlread.net<BR>
Consider visiting Progressive Engineering: http://robertlread.net/pe<BR>
In Austin: 912-8593 "Think globally, Act locally." -- RBF