[elephant-devel] CL implementation support

Alex Mizrahi alex.mizrahi at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 19:06:50 UTC 2011

> I use CCL for some production CL applications that use Elephant.  Which version of CCL are you having problems with?  I haven't upgraded in awhile - 1.2-1.4 were all good for me.

The latest available, 1.7, 64-bit. 1.6 had same problems IIRC.

I've localized a problem a bit: it is triggered by recompiling/reloading 
some files in src/elephant. (Maybe it is just one of problems.) So this 
looks like a problem with CCL itself. Or maybe we're breaking something...

I hope that finding which files trigger error will reveal something 
about its nature. For example,

(load (compile-file "src/elephant/classes.lisp"))

is ok. But when classes.fasl is loaded after <something> some slots just 
vanish on class redefinition.

BDB backend seems to be more vulnerable to this stuff, not just slots 
disappear but superclasses... WTF

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