[elephant-devel] Problem with LWW 5.1.2, BDB-backend

Plamen . plamen.usenet at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 15:53:18 UTC 2010

Hello Ian, Elliott,

I haven't much more time over the Chrismass days, but whatI have seen
so far is :

Btw - the problem with Elephant/BDB on LWW is not really an Elephant
one - if compiling under cygwin - there is a clash between the cygwin
and bdb definition of ssize_t, they have different sizes, Bu if
commented out from the bdb db.h, then we get the strange errors
because the pointers in the function table of the ENV struct get
displaced and wrong functions get called. Under VC++ the problem with
the function addresses does not exist, but there I get other also non
Elephant-related problems. Now I'll have again some time to
investigate the issue further.


On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 10:35 PM, Ian Eslick <eslick at media.mit.edu> wrote:
> I don't think BDB 4.7 has been tested on windows until now.  I'm surprised
> 4.5 works with the latest head - but it's probably because you aren't
> exercising some of the 4.7 features Leslie added.
> On Dec 8, 2009, at 1:14 PM, Elliott Slaughter wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 12:19 PM, Ian Eslick <eslick at media.mit.edu> wrote:
>> Elliott - these DLLs work on your system w/ Lispworks?  Is everything
>> working for you?  I just want to make sure we have a baseline.
> I went back to my Windows XP build, which I know worked once upon a time,
> and updated to the newest Elephant. With BDB 4.5 and 4.7 installed
> side-by-side, I configured Elephant to use 4.5: the build worked fine. I
> reconfigured for 4.7, and the build broke with error 22. Back to 4.5: build
> works fine. Back again to 4.7: still broken.
> Has Elephant ever been tested against BDB 4.7 on Windows?
> At any rate, I can supply dlls which I know work for BDB 4.5 (attached).
> They work with the newest version of Elephant.
> By the way, line 65 of ele-bdb.asd is hard coded to "-ldb45". That probably
> needs to change. (But it doesn't solve our bug; I already fixed it local and
> it didn't help.)
> Hope that helps?
> --
> Elliott Slaughter
> "Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict
> the future is to invent it." - Alan Kay
> <elephant-1.0-windows-bdb45.7z>_______________________________________________
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