[elephant-devel] How should I handle a controller-lost-error?

Alain Picard Dr.Alain.Picard at gmail.com
Sun Oct 4 00:28:24 UTC 2009

Dear Elephants,

I'm trying to understand how one is supposed to recover from
store-controller errors, and what the anticipated usage pattern
for when to open controllers is.  Consider this example:

   (with-open-store (*elephant-connection-spec*)
     (setq u (last-room-update :room nil)))

   => #<WAITING-ROOM-UPDATE oid:86987>

If you then attempt to access a slot on u, you get
a CONTROLLER-LOST-ERROR signalled, with a continue
restart saying "do you want to reopen":

  (timestamp u)
   Condition #<CONTROLLER-LOST-ERROR #x300045D5CD5D>
      [Condition of type CONTROLLER-LOST-ERROR]

    0: [CONTINUE] Open a new instance and continue?
    1: [RETRY] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request.
    2: [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.
    3: [ABORT-BREAK] Reset this thread
    4: [ABORT] Kill this thread

This occurs because WITH-OPEN-STORE has now closed the controller
which is referred to in the instance U.  Fine.
Now, I want to find out how to handle lost controllers,
and automatically restart them.  I attempted something like this:

(handler-bind ((controller-lost-error #'(lambda (c)
					  (describe c)
					    (let ((r (find-restart 'continue c)))
					      (when r
						(print 'continuing)
						(invoke-restart r))))))
  (timestamp u))

However, that doesn't work because you then get

    There is no applicable method for the generic function:
    when called with arguments:
       [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

     0: [CONTINUE] Try calling it again
     1: [RETRY] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request.
     2: [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.
     3: [ABORT-BREAK] Reset this thread

Trying the RETRY restart at this point _does_ succeed, however.

I think it's a bug to encounter this second condition; i.e. I think
after the first CONTINUE, when the controller gets successfully re-opened,
GET-CON should be able to return the new controller immediately,
so that the retried SLOT-VALUE accessor should then succeed.

Secondly, and, less important, I think using CERROR/CONTINUE is
a bit too generic for this class of error; I think it'd be much
friendlier to be able to invoke a specific restart, like REOPEN-LOST-CONTROLLER,
so I could write some sort of REOPENING-STORE macro.

Maybe I'm missing something basic, here, but the reason I delved into
this is that I noticed that opening a new store controller is a 
HUGELY expensive operation; so an idiom like

    (defun some-web-responding-method (...)
      (with-open-store (spec)
	(with-transaction ()

ends up being really, really, really slow; almost 1000 times slower
than just

    (open-store spec)

    (defun some-web-responding-method (...)
      (with-transaction ()

That's fine - I understand why that is, but the above seems very unsafe.
What am I supposed to do or catch if there are store related errors?
So I was trying to write something sort of like

    (defun some-web-responding-method (...)
	(with-transaction ()

if you know what I mean.  Is this misguided?  There a section in
the manual about "Design Patterns" and "Multithreaded Web Applications",
but it seems very incomplete and I think it should discuss at length
these sorts of issues.

I guess I'm also unsure of what _other_ sorts of errors might get
thrown and how I'm supposed to handle them during "normal" elephant work.
A section documenting the responsibilities of the programmer in this
area would be invaluable, IMHO.

Thanks for any pointers!

       	   --Alain Picard

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