[elephant-devel] "file is not of required architecture"

Sebastian Tennant sebyte at smolny.plus.com
Sat Nov 14 17:32:37 UTC 2009

Quoth "Leslie P. Polzer" <sky at viridian-project.de>:
>>  Berkeley DB error #22: Invalid argument
>>     [Condition of type BDB-DB-ERROR]

> Try again after removing libmemutil.so (thus causing Elephant to rebuild it).

It fails before this file is built, i.e., there is no libmemutil.so.  Instead,
there's a strange directory called libmemutil.dylib.dSYM, which is presumably a
temporary directory left behind because of the hang

> Also check whether BDB now works correctly on your system. It should, but
> let's make sure:
>   http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation/berkeley-db/db/programmer_reference/build_unix_test.html

Noted. I'll do this as a last resort.

First of all, I'm going to go back to a stable release of SBCL, rebuild bdb 4.7
with the four patches you mention applied and take it from there.

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