[elephant-devel] CCL omittance in new schema code?

Leslie P. Polzer sky at viridian-project.de
Mon May 4 06:53:58 UTC 2009

It seems that CCL is more liberal/comprehensive than other Lisps in
its usage of MAKE-INSTANCES-OBSOLETE. I haven't dived further into
this but the following patch fixes the issue specifically for OpenMCL:

diff -rN -u old-elephant-1.0/src/elephant/classes.lisp
--- old-elephant-1.0/src/elephant/classes.lisp  2009-05-04 08:47:38.533508088 +0200
+++ new-elephant-1.0/src/elephant/classes.lisp  2009-05-04 08:47:39.830174415 +0200
@@ -364,6 +364,20 @@
 ;;    (unless (match-schemas (%class-schema class) current-schema))
+        ;; OpenMCL seems to make additional instances of differing types obsolete.
+        ;; Let's use a high-level approach until we have figured out how to handle this
+        ;; properly.
+        #+openmcl
+        (progn
+          (unless (schema-predecessor current-schema)
+            ;; make sure the class schema is up to date
+            (synchronize-stores-for-class (class-of instance)))
+          (let ((schema-predecessor (schema-predecessor current-schema)))
+            (when schema-predecessor
+              (let ((prior-schema (get-controller-schema sc schema-predecessor)))
+                (assert (and current-schema prior-schema))
+                (upgrade-db-instance instance current-schema prior-schema
+        #-openmcl
        (let ((prior-schema (aif (schema-predecessor current-schema)
                                 (get-controller-schema sc it)
                                 (error "If the schemas mismatch, a derived controller
schema should have been computed"))))

If no one objects within the next few days I will push it.



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