[elephant-devel] Bogus function call `VALUE' on CCL

Leslie P. Polzer sky at viridian-project.de
Sun May 3 17:23:01 UTC 2009

Fix proposed:

--- old-elephant-1.0/src/elephant/schema-evolution.lisp 2009-05-03 19:18:29.277598554 +0200
+++ new-elephant-1.0/src/elephant/schema-evolution.lisp 2009-05-03 19:18:29.284267720 +0200
@@ -120,8 +120,7 @@
    upgrade-instance.  This should be called after a redefinition."
   (loop for inst being the hash-value of (controller-instance-cache sc) do
        #+(or cmu sbcl)(oid (weak-pointer-value inst))
-       #+openmcl (oid (value inst))
-       #-(or cmu sbcl openmcl) (oid inst)))
+       #-(or cmu sbcl) (oid inst)))

 (defmethod upgrade-all-db-instances ((sc store-controller) class-schema)
   "This does a scan and upgrades each instance of the class referred to

I'm not sure where VALUE would be defined. CCL 1.3 apparently doesn't
know it; TRIVIAL-GARBAGE claims that CCL doesn't support weak data
structures at all (it simulates weak pointers with a hash table).



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