[elephant-devel] Elephant 1.0 Alpha 1 (elephant-unstable, elephant, and elephant-1.0 repos)

Ian Eslick eslick at media.mit.edu
Sat Jan 3 20:38:40 UTC 2009

To clarify a typo regarding the new darcs repository naming scheme

elephant (the old 0.9.1 tree + a few patches, will rename to  
elephant-0.9.1 eventually)
elephant-unstable (will be removed after Alpha 1.0 is announced)
elephant-1.0 (the new development tree, will be tagged with each  



On Jan 3, 2009, at 2:25 PM, Ian Eslick wrote:

> I've cloned elephant-unstable and created a new darcs repository
> 'elephant-1.0' that is currently synced to unstable.  I'd ask that
> active developers switch over to this at your earliest convenience.  I
> will tag this in the next day or so and send the announcement to
> elephant-announce.  I will eventually remove elephant and replace it
> with elephant-0.9.1 to avoid confusion.

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