[elephant-devel] Deferred schema sync

Leslie P. Polzer sky at viridian-project.de
Tue Aug 4 18:28:45 UTC 2009

(open-store *testbdb-spec*)

(defpclass foobar () ())

(make-instance 'foobar)


(defpclass foobar ()
  ((slot :accessor slot :initform nil))
  (:index t))

(open-store *testbdb-spec*)

(describe (car (get-instances-by-class 'foobar)))

#<FOOBAR oid:2>

Slots with :DATABASE allocation:
  SLOT  = #<unbound slot>
Slots with :INSTANCE allocation:
  OID   = 2
  SPEC  = (:BDB "/home/sky/mystic/packages/elephant-1.0/tests/testdb/")

(defpclass foobar ()
  ((slot :accessor slot :initform nil))
  (:index t))

Synchronizing FOOBAR in ...

Bottom line: class schemas changed while a store is closed
won't sync when that store is opened later.

There are several ways to approach this. We could just sync
all db classes when a store is opened or take note of which
redefined classes have synced to which stores.




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