[elephant-devel] Dropping DB connection during writes

Tayssir John Gabbour tjg at pentaside.org
Fri Nov 21 10:02:21 UTC 2008

Alex Mizrahi wrote:
> TJG> With Elephant under both Postmodern and CLSQL, I'm consistently losing
> TJG> my DB connection. This apparently happens when writing from fairly
> TJG> simultaneous threads. (Two threads may write to the same btree key at
> TJG> around the same time.)
> weird. could be broken Lisp implementation, i guess.
> (or maybe it has something to do with OS).

It happened under Debian (Etch) and FreeBSD, on 3 different computers.
Running SBCLs in the range of (IIRC) 1.0.12 - 1.0.20.

> can you please try our concurrency test suite, like this:
>   (do-test-spec 'testthreads)
> it is supposed to work in postmodern.

Cool, I tried it out:

foo-user> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :elephant-tests)

foo-user> (ele-tests::do-test-spec 'testthreads)

I guess that's good. ;)

All the best,

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