[elephant-devel] Installing 0.9.1 on CMU: "libmemutil" problem

denis.papathanasiou at gmail.com denis.papathanasiou at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 18:52:57 UTC 2008

When I tried installing version 0.9.1 on CMU (version 19e), I got
everything in src/utils to build, but then I got an error related to
src/memutil as follows:

End-of-File on #<Stream for file
   [Condition of type END-OF-FILE]

  0: [RETRY   ] Retry performing #<ASDF:COMPILE-OP NIL {58846D7D}> on
                #<ELEPHANT-SYSTEM:ELEPHANT-C-SOURCE "libmemutil"
  1: [ACCEPT  ] Continue, treating #<ASDF:COMPILE-OP NIL {58846D7D}> on
                #<ELEPHANT-SYSTEM:ELEPHANT-C-SOURCE "libmemutil"
{58834015}> as
                having been successful.
  2: [CONTINUE] Return NIL from load of "install-steps.lisp".
  3: [ABORT   ] Return to Top-Level.

Debug  (type H for help)

 #<Stream for file
Source: Error finding source:
Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM:  Source file no longer

The my-config.sexp file is the same the config.sexp file provided,
except I changed all the :berkeley-db references to BerkeleyDB.4.7,
which is the version of Berkeley I have installed.

I did see that CMU is marked in red as "untested recently" in the
platform list, so I was wondering if anyone had tried it with CMU, or
could suggest a work-around?

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