[elephant-devel] Staus of the port of Ian's new functional toCL-SQL backend....

Robert L. Read read at robertlread.net
Mon May 5 02:50:14 UTC 2008

I have now committed an all-green solution for the CL-SQL backend to

I don't know that it will help the Postmodern work much --- perhaps just
as a pointer for what needs to be done.

Nonetheless, it is ready for someone who wants to work on making
Postmodern work with elephant-unstable to review if they like.

On Sun, 2008-05-04 at 10:37 +0300, Alex Mizrahi wrote:
>  RLR> implementing a new kind of btree that supports duplicates (hard).
> ain't btree with duplicates very similar to btree-index thing, because 
> btree-index also supports duplicates?
>  RLR> Since Postmodern uses the same kind of cursor control that the CL-SQL
>  RLR> backend does,
> why do you think so? cursor are probably biggest difference between CL-SQL 
> and postmodern -- instead of reading everything and sorting on lisp side, we 
> use sorting done by postgresql, and pick stuff in portions, i.e. cursor-next 
> is something like:
>  SELECT k, v FROM btree11 WHERE ((k = $1) and (v > $2)) OR (k > $1) LIMIT 10 
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