[elephant-devel] Re: Postmodern, Act II

Leslie P. Polzer leslie.polzer at gmx.net
Sat May 3 08:54:36 UTC 2008

Dear Alex,

> it seems you didn't wrap your code into explicit transaction.

Thanks for your quick analysis.

> but if you do not start your transactions explicitly, enclosing as many
> operations as posible, global-sync-cache absolutely makes no sense -- it
> takes more effort to synchornize changes than to actually load value from
> database, if that's just a single value.
> so, maybe, if cache is set into global sync mode, it should signal error if
> there is no explicit transactions -- because that would be misuse of global
> sync cache, leading to significant overhead.

Can you explain this in a bit more detail?

> or you think it makes sense to allow such behaviour? it might make sense in
> REPL, for example..

I put transactions only in an explicit transaction block if it
makes sense to me, i.e. if there are several successive operations.

Why would I put a single operation into a WITH-TRANSACTION block?
It clutters the code.

And for prototyping/debugging (either directly from the REPL or in files)
I can live with implicit txns all the time (except where I need to
guarantee ACID).


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