[elephant-devel] Re: Updated version of last Postmodern patch bundle

Alex Mizrahi killerstorm at newmail.ru
Sun Mar 16 21:26:04 UTC 2008

 LPP> It's a performance decision...

as far as i know with MVCC higher isolation level does not cause performance 
penalties unless you really have conflicts.
at least some postgresql experts said me this.

 LPP> go, but the rest of the code should try hard not to expose any
 LPP> avoidable errors if the user decides to switch to another isolation
 LPP> level...

switching to another isolation level user gets concurrent conflicts. why 
should we try to detect them in our code when DB can handle them in 
centralized fashion?
this sounds like an "ugly workaround" for me.

 LPP> In any case, can you send a patch for the change of the default
 LPP> isolation level, and probably a public convenience function/sc arg to
 LPP> change it?

changing isolation level is dead simple, but it requires dealing with 
consequences. this was pretty hard for application i'm working with, so i 
had to make extensions like retry-cleanup-fn.
and stuff is not configurable because i thought serializable would be good 
for everybody, but if you insist we should have "read committed" too, i'll 
make it for you.
below is work-in-progress patch:

--- old-elephant/src/db-postmodern/pm-transaction.lisp Wed Jan 16 23:07:43 
+++ new-elephant/src/db-postmodern/pm-transaction.lisp Fri Mar 14 15:00:02 
@@ -26,30 +26,70 @@
 (defun txn-cache-clear-value (bt key)
   (cache-clear-value *txn-value-cache* bt key))

+(defun execute-transaction-one-try (sc txn-fn always-rollback)
+  (let (tran commited
+ (*txn-value-cache* (make-value-cache sc)))
+    (incf (tran-count-of sc))
+    (setf tran (controller-start-transaction sc))
+    (unwind-protect
+  (multiple-value-prog1
+      (funcall txn-fn)
+    (unless always-rollback ; automatically commit unless always-rollback 
is on
+      (controller-commit-transaction sc tran)
+      (setf commited t)))
+      (unless commited (controller-abort-transaction sc tran))
+      (decf (tran-count-of sc)))))
+(defmacro with-concurrency-errors-handler (&body body)
+  "execute body with a handler catching postgres concurrency errors
+   and invoking restart-transaction restart automatically"
+  `(handler-bind
+    ((cl-postgres:database-error
+      (lambda (c)
+ (let ((err-code (cl-postgres:database-error-code c)))
+   (when (or (string= err-code "40001") ; SERIALIZATION FAILURE
+      (string= err-code "40P01")); DEADLOCK DETECTED
+     (invoke-restart 'retry-transaction c))))))
+    , at body))
 (defmethod execute-transaction ((sc postmodern-store-controller) txn-fn
-    &key (always-rollback nil) &allow-other-keys)
-  ;; SQL doesn't support nested transaction
+    &key (always-rollback nil)
+    (retry-cleanup-fn nil)
+    (retries 10) &allow-other-keys)
   (with-postmodern-conn ((controller-connection-for-thread sc))
     (if (> (tran-count-of sc) 0)
-        (funcall txn-fn)
-        (let (tran
-       commited
-       (*txn-value-cache* (make-value-cache sc)))
-          (incf (tran-count-of sc))
-          (unwind-protect
-        (prog2
-     (setf tran (controller-start-transaction sc))
-     (funcall txn-fn) ;;this gets returned
-   (unless always-rollback ;;automatically commit unless always rollback
-     (controller-commit-transaction sc tran)
-     (setf commited t)))
-     (unless commited (controller-abort-transaction sc tran))
-     (decf (tran-count-of sc)))))))
+ ;; SQL doesn't support nested transaction
+ ;; TODO: perhaps it's worth detecting abnormal exit here
+ ;; and abort parent transaction too.
+ (with-concurrency-errors-handler (funcall txn-fn))
+ (loop named txn-retry-loop
+   ;; NB: it does (1+ retries) attempts, 1 try + retries.
+   for try from retries downto 0
+   do (block txn-block
+        (restart-bind ((retry-transaction
+          (lambda (&optional condition)
+     (when (and retry-cleanup-fn
+         (not (= try 0))) ; cleanup is skipped when we are exiting
+       (funcall retry-cleanup-fn condition sc))
+     (return-from txn-block))
+          :report-function (lambda (s) (princ "retry db-postmodern 
transaction" s)))
+         (abort-transaction
+          (lambda () (return-from txn-retry-loop))))
+        (with-concurrency-errors-handler
+          (return-from txn-retry-loop
+     (execute-transaction-one-try sc txn-fn always-rollback)))))
+   finally (error 'transaction-retry-count-exceeded
+    :format-control "Transaction exceeded the ~A retries limit"
+    :format-arguments (list retries)
+    :count retries)))))

 (defmethod controller-start-transaction ((sc postmodern-store-controller) 
&key &allow-other-keys)
   (with-postmodern-conn ((controller-connection-for-thread sc))
     (let ((transaction (make-instance 'postmodern::transaction-handle)))
-      (postmodern:execute "BEGIN")
+      (postmodern:execute "BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE")

 (defmethod controller-commit-transaction ((sc postmodern-store-controller) 
transaction &key &allow-other-keys)

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