[elephant-devel] Re: Updated version of last Postmodern patch bundle

Alex Mizrahi killerstorm at newmail.ru
Sun Mar 16 15:48:41 UTC 2008

 ??>>>>>  * handle pg error 23505 (duplicate primary key race condition)
 ??>> i guess race condition in plpgsql should be handled by switching to
 ??>> serializable transaction isolation level. (that's what i'm doing)

 LPP> I don't quite see how the two of them go together.
 LPP> The isolation guarantee level should be settable by the user
 LPP> and the PM backend should work in any case, shouldn't it?

why would we need anything other than best isolation level?
people might prefer "read commited" because it yields no retries, but we 
need retries anyway (in case of deadlock or duplicate pk), so i see no 

i'm pretty sure there can be other race conditions and best way to avoid 
them is to use serializable isolation level.
also Ian says that serializable is default level in BDB backend, i think it 
would be good if two backends will be consistent on this matter. 

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