[elephant-devel] Re: BT, concurrency test cases, Postmodern backend changes

Alex Mizrahi killerstorm at newmail.ru
Thu Mar 6 15:03:15 UTC 2008

 ??>> can you please describe changes you've made so i will not occasionally
 ??>> omit them?

 LPP> Txn changes:

 LPP> 1) Deadlock handling: when a deadlock is detected, one of the txns 
 LPP>    will be aborted. Change: catch error and retry the txn instead.

 LPP> 2) Honor the RETRIES parameter for txn restarts.

 LPP> 3) Add warnings for some situations.

 LPP> What were you working on?

see my mail called "txn" sent on 21.02.2008.
i've switched to serializable isolation level, and thus i had to handle 
concurrent modifications conflicts.
so i've implemented txn restarts both for deadlocks and concurrent 
my version has some "proprietary extensions" -- it allows 
application-provided cleanup function to be called before doing retry, so 
application has chance to log problem and do side-effects cleanup.

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