[elephant-devel] Next issue, this time with Postmodern backend

Ian Eslick eslick at media.mit.edu
Wed Feb 27 17:08:53 UTC 2008

You know, I think people haven't run into this problem because may web  
servers maintain and reuse pools of worker threads - thus the # of  
connections = max concurrent threads rather than # of sessions/requests.

Definitely good to have this in there: dangling sockets/file refs are  


On Feb 27, 2008, at 10:07 AM, Leslie P. Polzer wrote:

>> Elephant-utils has some of the basic thread stuff we need - only need
>> to import one or two operators.  If we add much more we'll add
>> bordeaux as a dependency.  Do you want to wrap this up in a bow so we
>> can commit it?  (Did you test by adding this to the connection
>> creation routine in pm-controller?)
> Here's the patch. For SBCL it does the intended thing, others will
> have to fill in their stuff.
> It's straightforward and works for me. Later it would probably be
> nice to actually re-use existing connections.
>  Leslie<dbpm- 
> reaper.patch>_______________________________________________
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