[elephant-devel] Cross-references and SETF SLOT-VALUE

Leslie P. Polzer leslie.polzer at gmx.net
Wed Feb 20 15:49:56 UTC 2008

This concerns indexed classes.


(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'elephant)

(defpackage #:ele-test (:use :cl :elephant))

(in-package :ele-test)

(defvar *sc2* nil)
(defvar item nil)

(defpclass myclass ()
  ((testslot :accessor testslot :initarg testslot :index t)))

(open-store '(:BDB "/tmp/db1") :recover t)
(setf *sc2* (open-store '(:BDB "/tmp/db2") :recover t))

(let ((*store-controller* *sc2*))
  (setf item (make-instance 'myclass)))

(setf (testslot item) 5)
; ==> Attempted to write object #<MYCLASS oid:100> with home store
;     #<BDB-STORE-CONTROLLER /tmp/db2> into store #<BDB-STORE-CONTROLLER /tmp/db1>

(close-store *sc2*)

Intuitively, the SLOT-VALUE writer should have figured out the
correct store controller on its own, by simply looking up ITEM's
home controller. Instead, one has to specify it explicitly:

(let ((*store-controller* *sc2*))
  (setf (testslot item) 5)) ; works

Is there any sensible reason for this behaviour?
Is my suspicion correct that multi-store operation is a point that isn't
covered well by the unit tests and experience?


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