[elephant-devel] DB migration issue

quan hu ihuquan at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 08:40:00 UTC 2008


     I run into a problem when doing the garbage collection via data
     The environment is elephant 0.9.1 and BDB 4.5.  I also tried the latest
elephant in darc and get the same result.

     1.  Test case to reproduce the problem.

           (defpclass user-profile()
             ((id :initform nil :index t)
             (sms-inbox  :initform (make-pset))))

            ;; Create a new db for test purpose
           (setf *migrate-src* (open-store '(:bdb "/tmp/db/src/")))
           (setf *test-obj* (make-instance 'user-profile :sc *migrate-src*))
            (insert-item 'foo (slot-value *test-obj* 'sms-inbox))
            (setf *migrate-dst* (open-store '(:bdb "/tmp/db/dst/")))

          TEST> (migrate *migrate-dst* *migrate-src*)
              Migrating class indexes for: USER-PROFILE
           ; => Input get blocked, not response anymore

       2.  Using "db_stat -C A" get following output:
             *1*    Lock requests not available due to conflicts, for which
we waited

       3.  I do some debug work and found the problem may be caused by
nested transaction of different store controller.
            I can reproduce the issue with following code segment

          TEST> (ensure-transaction (:store-controller *migrate-dst*)
                            (add-to-root 'foo 'foo :sc *migrate-dst*)
                            (ensure-transaction (:store-controller
                                 (add-to-root 'bar 'bar :sc *migrate-dst*)))

             This kind of nested transaction scenario can appear in the
migrate process, because it uses source/destination store controller at the
same time.

            I do not understand why different store controller's transaction
can result in the lock conflict and want to know how to fix it.

            Is there anyone meet the similar problem before?

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