[elephant-devel] Re: Deferred indexing

Leslie P. Polzer leslie.polzer at gmx.net
Sat Aug 2 06:49:00 UTC 2008

> It would be nice to be able to say:
> (defpclass banana () (:index t))
>   (setf banana (make-instance 'banana))
> ; do stuff with banana, then later optionally:
>   (store-indexed-object banana)
> We could then do without proxy objects in Weblocks.

(defun make-deferred-instance (classname &rest initargs)
  (with-transaction ()
    (let ((obj (apply #'make-instance classname initargs)))
      (remove-kv (slot-value obj 'elephant::%oid)
                 (find-class-index classname)))))

(defun activate-deferred-instance (obj)
  (let ((oid (slot-value obj 'elephant::%oid))
        (idx (find-class-index (class-of obj))))
  (if (get-value oid idx)
    (warn "Attempted to activate Object ~S which is already indexed!" obj)
    (setf (get-value oid idx) obj))))

This seems to work nicely, even with secondary indices.
Haven't tested derived, though.


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