[elephant-devel] Re: Array slots

Alex Mizrahi killerstorm at newmail.ru
Wed Apr 30 10:01:10 UTC 2008

 IE> Unfortunately aref is not a generic function so you'd have to play
 IE> package naming games to hijack it which I abhor.  I'm open to
 IE> suggestions on ways to handle such an idiom, but nothing has come to
 IE> mind yet.  A macro to create slot accessors that do all the
 IE> bookkeeping automatically might be useful as an option for users.

i'm not sure what do you mean by this macro (maybe you mean the same 
thing?), but i think there is a way to track modifications:
object should track all the stuff that was read via slot-value, caching it, 
and write all this stuff during commit.
i.e. on "user level" we can emulate it in such way:

(defparameter *slots-touched* ())

(defun cached-slot-value (o s)
   (let ((k (cons o s)))
     (multiple-value-bind (value found)
         (gethash k *slots-touched*)
       (if found
           (setf (gethash k *slots-touched*) value)))))

;; setf cached-slot-value should be also implemented

(defun commit-cached-slots ()
    (loop for (o . s) being each hash-key of *slots-touched*
              using (hash-value value)
              do (setf (slot-value o s) value)))

(ele:with-transaction ()
  (let ((*slots-touched* (make-hash-table :test 'equalp)))

      (setf (aref (cached-slot-value obj 'array) 5) 3)


this won't work with changes done outside a transaction, but I think that's 
OK: use explicit transactions or die!

also, this could be a huge performance impact, but i think it can be 
mitigated via hashing: i.e. in cached-slot-value we snapshot a sxhash of the 
during commit we check if sxhash was changed -- if it was, we write new slot 
value into a database, otherwise we don't. we can also skip all immutable 
with this checks, performance impact should be barely noticable (comparing 
to deseralization costs), so it should be OK.

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