[elephant-devel] Re: test concurrent

Leslie P. Polzer leslie.polzer at gmx.net
Fri Apr 11 12:54:24 UTC 2008

> comment in testthreads indicate that we need deadlock detection:
> ;;; These tests will (as of March 2008) fail horribly on
>  ;;;   * BDB without deadlock detection enabled.
> but there is no clue how to do this and check..

You need to pass :deadlock-detect t when opening a BDB store
and set the correct path to db_deadlock in your config.

> i hope someone who knows it better can check this and document, so we will
> know that BDB backend really has multi-threading capabilities.

Well, I wrote the paragraph above after having checked whether it works
on BDB. With deadlock detection it's fine, albeit slow.


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