[elephant-devel] Re: traversing btree using multiple indices

Sean Ross rosssd at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 14:13:07 UTC 2008

On 4/4/08, Ian Eslick <eslick at media.mit.edu> wrote:
>  However, premature optimization often causes more trouble than it's worth.
> The easiest thing to do to get going is to index both slots and say:
>  (intersection (get-instances-by-range 'event 'date <date1> <date2>)
>               (get-instances-by-value 'event 'tag <tagname>))
>  You may be surprised how fast that is!  This will work for thousands of
> objects per set with BDB.
>  The new unstable branch removes the MOP overhead so if your set sizes are
> in the low 10's of thousands this should take less than a second.

Thanks Ian,

 I'll stick with this approach for now and migrate to the oid approach
if I start having speed issues later.


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