[elephant-devel] Garbage collection problem

Ian Eslick eslick at csail.mit.edu
Tue Sep 25 22:59:43 UTC 2007

How about just giving us a profile of memory usage?  I don't know  
what Lisp your are using, but Allegro, for example, has a (prof:with- 
profiling (:type :space) ...) that gives you a breakdown of memory  
allocation by function.  This would be very helpful.

While a great deal of attention has been paid to efficiency, Some  
operations on some lisps may be consing (bignum processing) and none  
of us have gone through the system to ensure we've caught all those  

A likely candidate is the serializer, but I'm sure there could be  
other corner cases.


On Sep 25, 2007, at 1:33 PM, Chris Laux wrote:

> Pierre THIERRY wrote:
>>> while using Elephant I've noticed that garbage collections now  
>>> take up
>>> to 10 minutes with the (current model) CPU at 100% load!?
>> Could you give a small testcase that demonstrates this?
> Sorry about the late reply.
> I haven't yet managed to reproduce the behaviour outside of the
> production system. I don't think a small test case would produce this,
> but that it is produced by a fairly large database (GBs) with >>1000
> BTrees that was queried by >10 parallel threads.
> Cheers,
> Chris Laux
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