[elephant-devel] String class index broken?

Chris Laux chris at terraminds.com
Tue Sep 4 21:34:33 UTC 2007

Robert L. Read wrote:
> Can you provide the code that generates the data for this class?

These few lines will actually reproduce the bug:

> (defclass test-class ()
   ((test :initarg :test :accessor test :index t))
   (:metaclass persistent-metaclass))

> (make-instance 'test-class :test "OpenHaus")
#<TEST-CLASS oid:5>

> (make-instance 'test-class :test "OpenLast")
#<TEST-CLASS oid:8>

> (get-instances-by-value 'test-class 'test "openhaus")
(#<TEST-CLASS oid:5> #<TEST-CLASS oid:8>)

> If this is is still a problem for you, I think I will need a complete
> reproduction to look into it.

It isn't a problem for me right now, but it seems to be fairly fundamental?


Chris Laux

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