[elephant-devel] Re: export #:db-error ?

Mac Chan emailmac at gmail.com
Sat May 5 23:41:34 UTC 2007

So in the current source code DB-ERROR is wrap around with (eval-when
(:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel))

I guess the question is whether the application programmer need to
guard against database error when using any of the db operation api.


On 5/5/07, Mac Chan <emailmac at gmail.com> wrote:
> I noticed a warning "DB-ERROR is not a valid type" when I compile the
> blog-example.
> (handler-case
>       (with-transaction ()
>         (make-instance 'blog-entry
>                        :date date
>                        :title title
>                        :text text))
>     (db-error () nil))
> It so happens that I still have the old elephant source code (I simply
> untar the new code into the same directory)
> When I do a grep on all the source I find that in the original
> src/sleepycat.lisp it exports a bunch of symbol which includes
> #:db-error
> Is this symbol supposed to be exported?
> Thanks.

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