[elephant-devel] Tests on windows

Frank Schorr franks-muc at web.de
Sun Mar 4 23:22:55 UTC 2007

Ok, I tried the latest cvs on Windows.

This is BDB with ACL trial:


This is BDB on LispWorks 5.0.1:

Exception C0000005 [flags 0] at 1541483 {inside foreign code}
eax        0 ebx  153FED0 ecx       7F edx       16
esp  153FEA8 ebp  153FEC0 esi 21C1E8E3 edi       E8

when calling %db-env-create

Repairing this is far from what I can help with.

I tried the postgresql-socket version then.
This used to work with ACL and the last elephant version a while ago,
before I learned to make the dlls. 

(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :elephant)
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :ele-clsql)
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :clsql-postgresql-socket)
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :elephant-tests)
(do-backend-tests '(:clsql (:postgresql-socket "localhost" "clsql-tests" "postgres" "$postgres%")))

Warning: While accessing database #<POSTGRESQL-SOCKET-DATABASE localhost/clsql-tests/postgres OPEN @ #x2115e65a>
  Warning: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "keyvalue_pkey" for table "keyvalue"

  has occurred.
Warning: POSTGRESQL-WARNING occurred on connection
                                  :PORT 5432
                                  :DATABASE clsql-tests
                                  :USER postgres
                                  :PASSWORD $postgres%
                                  :SOCKET #<MULTIVALENT stream socket connected from localhost/2413 to localhost/5432 @ #x2114e222>
                                  :PID 3920
                                  :KEY 1974900746).

         Reason: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "keyvalue_pkey" for table "keyvalue"

Error: While accessing database #<POSTGRESQL-SOCKET-DATABASE localhost/clsql-tests/postgres OPEN @ #x2115e65a>
  with expression "create table keyvalue (
 pk integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('serial'),
 clctn_id integer NOT NULL,
 key varchar NOT NULL,
 value varchar
  Error missing-result / Didn't receive result cursor for query.
  has occurred.
[condition type: SQL-DATABASE-DATA-ERROR]
Warning: While accessing database #<POSTGRESQL-SOCKET-DATABASE localhost/clsql-tests/postgres OPEN @ #x2115e65a>
  Warning: WARNING:  there is no transaction in progress

  has occurred.
Warning: POSTGRESQL-WARNING occurred on connection
                                  :PORT 5432
                                  :DATABASE clsql-tests
                                  :USER postgres
                                  :PASSWORD $postgres%
                                  :SOCKET #<MULTIVALENT stream socket connected from localhost/2416 to localhost/5432 @ #x2117923a>
                                  :PID 3772
                                  :KEY 1674368639).

         Reason: WARNING:  there is no transaction in progress

Do you think postgresql-socket should run and the error is with my new installation of postgres/cl-sql ?

It would be great if you made elephant available for Lispworks on windows.

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