[elephant-devel] Status of Leslie's question and Sean's patch?

Leslie P. Polzer leslie.polzer at gmx.net
Fri Dec 21 19:12:09 UTC 2007

> For example.  In order to convert an instance of A to an instance of B
> we have to have a persistent function.

Let's stop right here. Why that?

What I had in mind was that the programmer keeps around, say, a file
full of those conversion functions, thereby providing legacy support
for her data structures.

> Perhaps rather than an implicit feature, we provide a toolkit for
> making user schemas easy to build.    This could make it easy to
> create, compare and perform operations on schemas from classes and to
> hook into the MOP to extract them and use them in class redefinition
> and creation.  We could provide an inherited slot for class instances
> that keeps a pointer to the schema.  Users that are afraid of this
> functionality can just choose to update manually so that consistence
> is guaranteed.  Trading off performance for a strong guarantee strikes
> me as the better default behavior.

I don't understand what you have in mind here. Perhaps it would help
if you explained the idea of a “user schema” in more detail.
Then again, I don't think this is a thing that is of interest to me
right now, so you might not want to explain this further and save
your time.

> I'm happy to support this effort if you or someone else are interested
> in taking it on, though.

Thanks a lot. I'll do what I can. I must balance between the needs of
my project and Elephant, though.


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