[elephant-devel] Re: blog example w/ hunchentoot

Pierre THIERRY nowhere.man at levallois.eu.org
Sat Apr 28 10:36:44 UTC 2007

Scribit Ian Eslick dies 27/04/2007 hora 19:21:
> Actually at this point you shouldn't need to put locks around slot
> access.

It was a patch against 0.6.0, when I ran into trouble with a
multithreaded Web application.

> > > you need to create storage for at least the oid and
> > > store-controller reference.
> > That's making a placeholder instance, not making a persistent class
> > instance, semantically.
> That would explain some of the confusion!  The placeholder instance
> (according to your definition) in Elephant is an instance of
> persistent-metaclass and inherits from persistent-object, so it is a
> persistent-metaclass instance, strictly speaking.

No, I was thinking that semantically speaking, what you could be doing

- create a placeholder instance to allocate storage
- change its class to the persistent class

> Or perhaps it's the awkward semantic use of the MOP API you are
> bothered by, not the low-level dynamics of storage management that it
> executes?

Definitely. Sorry if that was not very clear.

> If you have a common-lisp.net account you should  have a Trac password
> and can login and edit the wiki or submit Trac  tickets under your own
> common-lisp.net uid.

I tried to contact Erik Enge nearly two months ago, by email, to get an
account, but never got any answer.

nowhere.man at levallois.eu.org
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