[elephant-devel] elephant64

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Mon Oct 2 15:15:48 UTC 2006

Ian Eslick <eslick at csail.mit.edu> writes:

> #1 - I haven't seen the fp overflow problem before, however.
> A couple of thoughts. 
> The system does read some values from the DB after open.  You might
> trace the db-bdb/bdb-controller function to see where it's failing -
> that might help us have a better clue as to the source.  Is it failing
> opening the environment, a particular table, or in reading those values?

apparently it's failing while calling ele::get-value. i tried some
simple tests and this:

CL-USER> (make-instance 'bdb-tree)
CL-USER> (setf (get-value 5 *) 5)

hangs. attempting to interrupt it and examine the backtrace doesn't
provide any useful info. i traced a bunch of functions in the
get-value method and it appears to block when calling

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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