[elephant-devel] get-instances-by-range should work with string types

Ian Eslick eslick at csail.mit.edu
Fri Nov 17 14:04:58 UTC 2006

You have to be a little careful because in both BDB and SQL backends
range queries are dependant on the ordering that the database uses for
secondary indices.  For instance, there is a C function that handles the
ordering of elements in an index defined on a slot.  The idea of a range
query is to gain efficiency by only looking at a subset of objects. 

Now you can approximate this by mapping your non-integer objects into an
integer space according to your own ordering.  This is provided for in
the (add-class-derived-index ...) which takes a function that is called
by the backend to determine the value.  This can be an arbitrary lisp
function.  Unless I'm mis-remembering, you can use the name of this
derived index as a 'slotname' when you call (get-instances-by-range ...).

However it may work for strings today because ordering is based on the
order of binary bytes in the serialized representation of lisp data.

I'll see if I can document all this better in the next release; it's
helpful getting all this input to see what is confusing to new users and
what features they want!


Alain Picard wrote:
> Hello to all Elephant developers, and many words of thanks
> for what appears to be a useful and well thought out library!
> I've recently started a project which will (I hope) make some
> good use of Elephant.  I'm still wrapping my head around things,
> so go easy on me.  As a show of good will, here's my first attempt
> at adding something to elephant.
> Suppose you have a class like this:
> (defclass test-user ()
>   ((name :reader name :initarg :name
> 	 :type   string :index t)
>    (timestamp :reader timestamp
> 	      :initform (get-universal-time)
> 	      :type integer
> 	      :index t))
>   (:metaclass persistent-metaclass))
> (defun make-some-users ()
>   (let ((n 0)
> 	(*auto-commit* t))
>     (dotimes (i 1000)
>       (make-instance 'test-user :name (format nil "User name ~D" (incf n))))
>     (get-instances-by-range 'test-user 'name "User name 10" "User name 20")))
> (make-some-users)
> If you try to do something like 
> (length (get-instances-by-range 'test-user 'timestamp 0 999999999999))
> ==> 1000
> It succeeds.
> But if you try on the name, 
> (get-instances-by-range 'test-user 'name "User name 10" "User name 11")
> ==>
> Argument X is not a REAL: "User name 10"
>    [Condition of type SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR]
> Because the get-instances-by-range function (needlessly) assumes
> that the objects being returned can be compared with numeric
> equality.
> This little snippet fixes this problem:
> (change from the 0.6 distribution)
> =============cut================================================
> (defun find-slot-type (class idx-name)
>   (flet ((candidate-slot-p (slot)
> 	   (and (eq (type-of slot) 'persistent-effective-slot-definition)
> 		(slot-value slot 'indexed)
> 		(eq (slot-definition-name slot) idx-name))))
>     (find-if #'candidate-slot-p (class-slots class))))
> (defun find-index-comparison-function (class index)
>   (let ((type (sb-pcl:slot-definition-type (find-indexed-slot class index))))
>     (cond ((subtypep type 'number)
> 	   #'<=)
> 	  ((subtypep type 'string)
> 	   #'string<=)
> 	  (t
> 	   ;; We'll fall back to numerical, though it's not clear to
> 	   ;; me that this is sensible.  Maybe should just signal an error,
> 	   ;; and force users to declare :type on all indexed slots?
> 	   #'<=))))
> (defmethod get-instances-by-range ((class persistent-metaclass) idx-name start end)
>   (let ((comparison (find-index-comparison-function class idx-name)))
>     (with-inverted-cursor (cur class idx-name)
>       (labels ((next-range (instances)
> 		 (multiple-value-bind (exists? skey val pkey) (cursor-pnext-nodup cur)
> 		   (declare (ignore pkey))
> 		   (if (and exists? (funcall comparison skey end))
> 		       (next-in-range skey (cons val instances))
> 		       (nreverse instances))))
> 	       (next-in-range (key instances)
> 		 (multiple-value-bind (exists? skey val pkey) (cursor-pnext-dup cur)
> 		   (declare (ignore pkey skey))
> 		   (if exists?
> 		       (next-in-range key (cons val instances))
> 		       (progn
> 			 (cursor-pset-range cur key)
> 			 (next-range instances))))))
> 	(multiple-value-bind (exists? skey val pkey) (cursor-pset-range cur start)
> 	  (declare (ignore pkey))
> 	  (if (and exists? (funcall comparison skey end))
> 	      (next-in-range skey (cons val nil))
> 	      nil))))))
> =============cut================================================
> Note that unfortunately FIND-INDEX-COMPARISON-FUNCTION makes
> use of SB-PCL:SLOT-DEFINITION-TYPE; I have not conditionalized
> this for other lisps, nor do I really know what forms are appropriate
> in any other lisps.
> Obviously, it is possible to extend this scheme to let users register
> their own comparison functions for more complex types;  I'll let you
> judge if this is worth the effort.
> Hoping this helps someone, somewhere.
> If this was already covered in some other way, then consider this
> message a bug report on the documentation instead.  :-)
>                                 Alain Picard

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